We believe, very strongly, that a modern web site must have frequently updated content but also must have the right feature set for your presentation. Users must be able to find what they are looking for quickly and easily and it must be easy for you to update your content so that you are able to keep it up to date. OWT specializes in providing site tools that allow you to achieve both these goals. We have a stable of web tools that have evolved over the past 18 years that will make your site more productive as well as more efficient to manage.
So many websites are now merely template sites whipped out to be cheap. While these can often be attractive and functional we believe you need a unique presence and not one like so many others on the net. We can't fault small businesses for trying the cheap templated WordPress sites - heck we even offer them but if you want to put your best foot forward and give your visitors the best possible experience we urge you to consider the OWT CMS. The next several pages will talk about features and benefits but in a nutshell here are some of the major advantages:
- Faster than most every CMS product and way faster than WordPress
- OWT can add any custom feature you need - we're not at the mercy of others to create plugins.
- All your code is from one provider not the mishmash of code you get with WordPress or other popular CMS products. Our code will all work together!
- We create a "design" rather than re-purposing a template. Your organization deserves better than a rubber-stamped website.
- Powerful specialized content modules for products, events, directories, portfolios, formatted lists, photo galleries, banners, forms, social media sharing, graphical and content sliders and so much more!
- Mobile Friendly automatically and this can be customized to meet your needs.
Check out the other sections discussing our CMS by using the category menu on the left. There is so much more to it than what we can showcase here. By the way this site was done using the OWT CMS as well.