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One World Telecommunications - Web Services

OWT has been designing and programming web pages since 1994. A lot has changed in that time, as access speeds have increased and technologies evolved. While technological advancements have been great for both the user and web site owner, it is important to distinguish between what industry innovations are appropriate for each individual client's needs and which are not. OWT has the experience to wade through the technological noise and decide which tech will prove to be the best fit for your application. Whether it be leveraging the growing importance of search engine recognition or ensuring the user experience is positive through an efficient and sleek design, OWT is prepared to create a website beneficial for the client as well as their users. 

We provide cost-effective solutions for most any budget.  From over-the-top sites with an extensive custom feature set down, to the simplest brochure site; we can deliver your next website for less than you think. We also provide you with the tool set to keep your content fresh and compelling. 

Although we have clients throughout the United States, we pride ourselves on the exceptional customer service we provide to our customers in the Kennewick, Richland, Pasco and Walla Walla areas. When it comes to accurately designing and implementing a web site, we put customers first. 

Trust the experience that OWT has gained over such a long time in this relatively young industry. OWT will help you make smarter and more cost-effective decisions to make your web initiative positive, productive and profitable. 


Affordable & Easy to Manage
Powerful CMS

Upgrade Your Site for Easy Content Management!

Let OWT upgrade your website to use our powerful CMS (Content Management System) that includes a great many powerful features and easy content mangement.  The OWT CMS is also MOBILE FRIENDLY supporting phones and tablets automatically. 

We can use your design or your graphic designers or create a design for you cost effectively.  Building a site in our CMS is fast and efficient. Most small business sites will cost less than $1000 and be unique and customized to your business and needs!  

Our latest features make our CMS and LMS platforms even better! New Video Chat features and Distance Learning Options in our Summer 2020 updates!

Contact us now and see how easy and painless we can make this transition for you!

OWT Makes it Easy!

No matter your web need let OWT show you just how easy we can make it for you!  We tame the technology for you - you don't have to learn complicated control panels as we can do it all for you.  From domain registration to Email and full-featured web hosting OWT can simplify your web experience immensely. 

Industry News


#​722 — February 7, 2025

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Oracle Claims 'JavaScript' Isn't a Generic Term, and More — In this 'motion to dismiss' Oracle has responded to Deno’s attempt to prove Oracle shouldn't hold the JavaScript™ trademark with the argument that “relevant consumers do not perceive JAVASCRIPT as a generic term” (does Oracle only consider people who give it money to be relevant?) among other comedic insights.

Ryan Dahl

There Are a Lot of Ways to Break Up Long Tasks in JavaScript — Due to how browsers and the event loop work, letting a single task hog the main thread is a quick way to freeze up your site’s UI. Alex explains the problem and uses a simple example to walk through the pros and cons of different solutions from basic use of setTimeout() to requestAnimationFrame(), channel messaging, and Web Workers.

Alex MacArthur

Debugging Shopping Cart Issues Faster — Vue/Nuxt devs: Get full insight into your shopping cart errors! Capture Pinia State wherever errors occur. Learn how on the Sentry blog ».

Sentry sponsor

▶  Angular: The Documentary — From the creators of the fantastic ▶️ Node.js and ▶️ Ruby on Rails documentaries comes this fresh story covering the ups and downs of the popular Angular (née AngularJS) framework starring a cast of veritable JavaScript luminaries.




  • ES Module Shims 2.0 – Polyfills import maps and other ES Modules features on top of the baseline native ESM support in browsers.

  • pnpm 10.2 – The alternative, efficient package manager.

  • Turborepo 2.4

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Which Rich Text Editor Framework Should You Choose in 2025? — A round-up of actively developed WYSIWYG editor options you can drop into your apps along with the pros and cons of each.

Dexemple and Rowny (Liveblocks)

How to Publish ESM-Based npm Packages with TypeScript — Now that you can use the ES modules (almost) everywhere, it’s worth understanding how to package them up for use with npm. Axel digs into everything you need to know and shares some useful tools too.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Locate and Resolve JavaScript Errors Instantly with Datadog — Troubleshoot frontend JavaScript errors faster with frontend to backend correlation and automatic error tracking.

Datadog sponsor

An Introduction to WebAssembly in Deno — How to build a simple WASM module and use it to call Rust code from JavaScript.

Jiang and Sherret (Deno)

Vite with TypeScript — If you’ve created a JavaScript-based React project with Vite and want to get on the TypeScript train, here are the basic steps.

Robin Wieruch

📄 Building a Playful Stop-Motion Crayon Cursor in p5.js Jorge Toloza

📄 Keep Your Node Apps Secure with npx is-my-node-vulnerable Trevor I. Lasn

📄 Read-Only Accessibility in TypeScript – How to use the readonly keyword. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

📄 How to Set WebGL Shader Colors with CSS and JavaScript Nicolas Mattia

🛠 Code & Tools

RE2JS 1.0: Linear Time Matching for Regular Expressions — RE2 is a regular expression engine built by Google designed to operate in time proportional to the size of the input, in order to avoid so-called ‘ReDoS’ problems caused by backtracking, and this brings such protection to the browser too.

Oleksii Vasyliev

Fuse.js 7.1: Lightweight Fuzzy-Search with No Dependencies — Want a simple search feature without a dedicated backend? This mature solution could help. Here’s a live demo.

Kiro Risk

Start Selling to Enterprise Faster with WorkOS — Add SSO, SCIM, and RBAC to your B2B SaaS app in minutes—not months.

WorkOS sponsor

🎨 tinygradient 2.0: A Gradient Generation Library — Generate color gradients with an unlimited number of color stops and steps in JavaScript to use as you wish. Supports named colors, hex colors, RGV, HSVa, and RGB CSS strings. GitHub repo.

Damien Sorel

parse-duration 2.0: Convert a Human Readable Duration to Milliseconds — You might wonder why a library that converts 1hr 20mins into 4800000 needs a version 2. Well, it now supports more units (mo, mth, microsec, and nanosec), has moved to ESM, and supports locales.

Jake Rosoman

Waveform Renderer — Quickly create a visual waveform from a MP3 or WAV — you can also edit the look. Think of it as a lighter alternative to Wavesurfer.js. GitHub repo.

Andres Felipe Alarcon

📰 Classifieds

🎹 STRICH: Add blazing fast and reliable 1D/2D Barcode Scanning to your web apps. Free demo app and 30-day trial available.

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by Lattice, Bilt Rewards, etc.

🌎 Get your FREE remote pass to 50% of the talks at the 2025 JS Nation conference. Invite 3 friends to unlock full access — including talks from Evan You, Thomas Steiner, and 50+ speakers.

Meet Harmony: An open source library for composing consistent and highly performant platforms from independent business features.

  • 🍪 CookieConsent 3.1 – A lightweight, pure JS, GDPR-compliant cookie consent mechanism with which to annoy all your users meet regulatory requirements.

  • Happy DOM 17.0 – Cross-runtime JS implementation of a web browser sans UI. Now supports ES modules.

  • remove-unused-vars 0.0.4 – An experimental new tool for removing unused variables from code.

  • get-value 4.0 – Use property paths (a.b.c) get a nested value from an object.

  • mp4-muxer 5.2 – MP4 multiplexer in pure TypeScript with support for the WebCodecs API, video and audio.

  • 🗺️ react-map-gl 8.0 – React friendly API wrapper around MapboxGL JS. (Demo.)

  • 🗓️ Schedule-X 2.17 – Material Design event calendar and date picker.

  • Wasp 0.16Wasp is a Rails-like framework using Node, React & Prisma.

  • web-worker 1.5 – Consistent Web Workers in browser and Node.

  • Js_of_ocaml (jsoo) 6.0 – An OCaml to JavaScript compiler.

  • RxDB 16.5 – Offline-first, reactive database for JS apps.

🎵 A quick musical number..

A Protracker Module Player in Pure JavaScript — I’m a sucker for 90s tracker music, JavaScript experiments, and cool Web experiences, and this has all three. If you’re not familiar with tracker music, it’s a way to write music on a grid which triggers the playing of samples. This code manages to parse and play a Protracker file in pure JavaScript. (Note: The image above is of the original Protracker app, this experiment is more minimal and about the code.)



If you are building a website from scratch you have to rely heavily on your own creativity to achieve any measure of success. In truth, building a great website lies in the underpinning the tools you use are able to create. Drag and drop alone may not be sufficient because it is the creativity of […]

The post 10+ Great Tools & Resources you need to try in 2025 appeared first on WebAppers.


#​721 — January 31, 2025

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Things People Get Wrong About Electron — A long-time maintainer of the wildly successful Electron cross-platform app framework stands by the technical choices Electron has made over the years and defends it against some of the more common criticisms here.

Felix Rieseberg

Standard Schema: A Common Interface to Schema / Validation Libraries — From the creators of Zod, Valibot and ArkType comes a fantastic bit of collaboration to define a common interface to use JavaScript and TypeScript schema libraries.

McDonnell, Hiller, and Blass

JavaScript: The Hard Parts — Take your knowledge to the next level with the most loved JavaScript course in the industry. Deepen your understanding of the most important aspects of JavaScript. This highly rated video course goes under the hood, looking at callbacks, higher-order functions, object-oriented JS, and more.

Frontend Masters sponsor

A WebAssembly Compiler That Fits in a Tweet — Or 192 bytes, if you prefer. This is a look into a fantastic little bit of JavaScript hacking that can compile arithmetic expressions into WebAssembly you can run very easily. You can learn a lot in so little time here.

Mariano Guerra and Patrick Dubroy

Announcing TypeScript 5.8 Beta — It’s that time again. What’s new? Support for using require() for ES modules in Node 22+, checked returns for conditional and indexed access types, startup and building optimizations & more. While not a huge release overall, it's particularly good for Node devs.

Daniel Rosenwasser

💡 One neat 5.8 feature is --erasableSyntaxOnly, a way to ensure that 'type stripping' techniques still result in runnable code by disallowing TypeScript-exclusive features like enums.



📒 Articles & Tutorials

The Modern Way to Write JavaScript Servers — The irony is that while Node popularized JavaScript on the server (though Netscape was doing it in the 90s) this modern, standardized cross-runtime approach doesn’t work on Node ...yet ;-)

Marvin Hagemeister

Introducing Mentoss: The fetch Mocker — A new approach to mocking global fetch() calls (in both browsers and server-side runtimes) inspired by previous attempts like Nock and MSW.

Nicholas C. Zakas

Wish Your AI Co-Pilot Actually Knew Your Codebase? — Try the most context-aware Developer AI. Augment deeply understands your codebase, documentation, and dependencies.

Augment Code sponsor

Lessons from Scaling WebSockets for a JavaScript App — Scaling WebSockets for real-time apps presents hidden complexities. Compose shares some lessons learnt the hard way.

Atul Jalan

📄 Computing with Tuples in TypeScript – A way to bring objects of different types together but in a lighter way than keyed objects. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

📄 How Long is a Second in JavaScript? – What may seem like a straightforward query is actually one of surprising complexity. Iago Lastra

📄 Adding Maps to Your Pages with Leaflet.js – Quick, easy, and open source to boot. Raymond Camden

📄 How to Use Node's fs in the Browser for Custom Playgrounds Ivan Chebykin

📄 Building a QR Code HTML Web Component Scott Jehl

📄 How to Build a CMS with React Admin Thibault Barrat

🛠 Code & Tools

docxtemplater: Generate docx and pptx Documents from Templates — Generate Word and PowerPoint files dynamically by merging against templates (ideal for invoices, contracts, certificates, etc.) It’s open source (MIT or GPLv3), but the creator has a commercial version with more extensions (e.g. to work with Excel). GitHub repo and feature demos.

Edgar Hipp

📊 Plotly 3.0: A JavaScript Graphing Library — A high-level, declarative charting library, built on top of D3 and stack.gl, with over 40 chart types, including 3D charts, statistical graphs, and SVG maps. v3 is largely to remove deprecations, fix bugs, and a switch to esbuild.

Plotly, Inc.

Using Clerk SSO to Access Google Calendar and Other Service Data — Leverage Clerk’s social sign in providers to easily access service data on behalf of your users.

Clerk sponsor

Emittery 1.1: A Simple, Modern Async Event Emitter — A small, async event emitter for Node and the browser, and now with support for AbortController.

Sindre Sorhus

jsontr.ee: Visualize JSON Structures as Dynamic SVG Diagrams — You can try it out on this playground, which provides the option to download the diagram as PNG, or use it in an app with customizable styles.

Lou Alcalá

DBOS Transact v2: Lightweight Durable Execution in TypeScript — Durable execution means persisting the execution state of your program while it runs, so if it’s interrupted or crashes, it resumes from where it left off – ideal for long-running or business-critical workflows. Docs.

DBOS, Inc.

📰 Classifieds

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by Lattice, Bilt Rewards, etc.

Protect your SaaS app with advanced device fingerprinting from WorkOS Radar. Stop fake signups, free tier abuse, bot attacks and brute force attempts today.

jscanify 1.3: JavaScript Document Scanning Library — Given raw photos of documents, this can do paper detection (along with glare suppression), distortion correction, highlighting and extracting. See some visual examples or try it out here.


Ruck 9.0: A React Webapp Framework for Deno — A lean React-based way to build modern React apps with Deno using features like ESM, dynamic imports, HTTP imports, and import maps with no transpilation or bundling.

Jayden Seric


#​720 — January 24, 2025

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Bun 1.2: A Big Step Forward for the Fast JS/TS Runtime — The JavaScriptCore-based Bun continues to up its server-side runtime game with strides forward in Node.js compatibility, performance boosts, and new APIs for interacting with S3 and S3-like object stores as well as Postgres. If you’d prefer to be ▶️ introduced to Bun 1.2 with a keynote-style video, it's a good watch.

Ashcon Partovi and the Bun Team

🦖 ..and by no means should we forget Deno whose team have published a roundup of all of Deno's progress in the past year.

FlexGrid by Wijmo: The Industry-Leading JavaScript Datagrid — A fast and flexible DataGrid for building modern web apps. Key features and virtualized rendering are included in the core grid module. Pick & choose special features to keep your app small. Built for JavaScript, extended to Angular, React, and Vue.

Wijmo From MESCIUS inc. sponsor

🤖 Transformers.js v3.3: Machine Learning and AI for the Web — This is a dry release announcement but I wanted to highlight the rapid pace that this exciting library is making for browser-based NLP, speech recognition, vision, and now text-to-speech use cases (live TTS demo here - it takes a while to load though). It’s also being used in Firefox for various enhancements (see below).

Hugging Face



📒 Articles & Tutorials

🕒 JavaScript Temporal is Coming (For Real!) — We first mentioned the Temporal API proposal providing a better way to handle dates and times in JavaScript almost five years ago (in issue 496!) but now it really is almost here. Brian explains its basic concepts and where initial support is starting to appear.

Brian Smith

Avoiding anys with Linting and TypeScriptany is TypeScript’s famous type fallback/safety hatch but if you can avoid it, you can benefit more from TypeScript’s type-checking features. Josh shares some tips to do just that.

Josh Goldberg

[Workshop] How to Build Testing Culture on Your Team — Join our live session to learn strategies for gaining buy-in, balancing testing, and integrating it into daily workflows.

Sentry sponsor

🤖 Running Inference in Web Extensions — Firefox Nightly is shipping with a new API that can let you use their AI runtime for offline machine learning tasks in Web extensions you create. It uses the previously mentioned Transformers.js and is already used in Firefox 133 to provide alt text for images in PDFs.

Tarek Ziadé (Mozilla)

📄 Generating Test Values using JavaScript Generators Peter Leonov

📄 TypeScript Enums: Use Cases and Alternatives Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

📄 Fetch and HTTP/2 Support in Node, Bun and Deno Georges Haidar

📊 A Deep Dive into Initial Load Performance Nadia Makarevich

📄 Improving UI Performance by Optimizing Our Debouncer Atul Jalan (Compose)

📄 Angular Clean Coding Fundamentals Jonathan Gamble

🛠 Code & Tools

deck.gl 9.1: GPU-Powered Large Scale Data Visualizationdeck.gl provides a way to create complex yet high performance data visualizations composed of multiple layers (examples). It can be used in a vanilla JS way or through React components and it’s ready for WebGPU.

OpenJS Foundation

Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — Next-level testing in any editor, 15x faster with Interactive Time Travel Debugger, real-time insights & advanced coverage in a new UI.

Wallaby Team sponsor

ArkType 2.0: Runtime Validation Library — An easy-to-deploy solution for schema validation that can infer TypeScript definitions 1:1 and use them as optimized validators for your data, both at runtime and for immediate type-level feedback in your editor.


NodeBB v4.0.0 Released: Node.js Powered Forums — Offers a classic forum experience in a modern Node.js-shaped guise. v4 adds support for federation between instances and the wider 'fediverse.'

NodeBB, Inc.

SRCL: Build React Apps with 'Terminal Aesthetics' — The homepage is a live demonstration of what SRCL has to offer. It’s a suite of React components and styling to recreate a monospaced, terminal-like atmosphere

Internet Development Studio Company

🎶 Chiptune.js: Module / Tracker File Player — A library for playing ‘module’ music files like MOD, XM and S3M. (Demo.)

Chiptune Contributors

📰 Classifieds

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by Lattice, Bilt Rewards, etc.

☀️ The main JS conference returns to a unique venue! Enjoy 50+ talks & workshops, a food truck festival, networking with 1.5K devs, & 10% off with code JSWEEKLY!

  • GoReleaser v2.6 – A popular 'release engineering' tool in the Go world has just added support for Bun and Deno.

  • React Admin 5.5 – Framework for building B2B frontend interfaces. Now with React 19 and React Router 7 support.

  • React Scan 0.1 – Automatically scan for performance issues and eliminate slow renders in your app.

  • 🎵 ChordSheetJS 12.0 – Library for parsing and formatting chords and chord sheets. (Demo.)

  • Fortune Sheet 1.0 – Drop-in Excel-like spreadsheet control.

  • ApexCharts 4.4 – Popular JS charting library. (Demos.)

  • YouTube.js 13.0 – JS client for YouTube's private API.

  • BlockNote 0.23 – 'Notion-style' block-based editor.


#​719 — January 17, 2025

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Learn Yjs and Building Realtime Collaborative Apps in JavaScriptYjs is a CRDT (Conflict-free replicated data type) library for building collaborative and local-first apps. CDRTs are powerful but can be tricky to ‘get’ which is why this new interactive Yjs tutorial is so valuable. A great way to learn about building collaborative, syncing webapps from the ground up.


Bun v1.1.44: The Fast JS Runtime Adds On-Demand Frontend Bundling — The popular, high-performance alternative JavaScript runtime has extended its Bun.serve() HTTP handler with support for bundling frontend apps on demand using HTML imports.

Ben Grant

Protect Against Bots, Fraud, and Abuse in Real Time — With WorkOS Radar you can detect, verify and block harmful behaviour, protecting your app with advanced device fingerprinting. Stop fake signups, stop free tier abuse, and stop bot attacks and brute force attempts today.

WorkOS sponsor

A Checklist for Your tsconfig.json — What I love about Dr. Axel is when he’s done the hard work of figuring something out for himself, he writes it down. So it goes here, with his journey to set up a good tsconfig.json for his projects.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer



📒 Articles & Tutorials

A Look at Regular Expression Pattern Modifiers — You may be familiar with using flags to change the behavior of regexes, but Dr. Axel looks at a proposal bringing a way to change regex flags within subexpressions (e.g. /^[a-z](?-i:[a-z])$/i;). It’s at stage 4 and should land in ECMAScript 2025.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Accessibility Essentials Every React JS Developer Should Know — If you’re an experienced frontend developer, these might be second nature to you by now, but this is a good roundup of the entry level ‘table stakes’ for frontend accessibility, whether using React or not.

Martijn Hols

Write More Maintainable JavaScript with AI Code Reviews — CodeRabbit is your AI-powered code review companion that deeply understands the JavaScript codebase. Free for open source.

CodeRabbit sponsor

Five Years of React Native at Shopify — Five years ago, Shopify said React Native was the future for mobile development at their company and they meant it, with every mobile app moving to RN over time. Here’s what they learnt along the way and why they’re sticking with it.

Mustafa Ali (Shopify)

Revealed: React's Experimental Animations API<ViewTransition /> is based on the browser's View Transition API. It’s only in pre-release versions of React, but Matt is armed with examples for you to get a feel for the potential.

Matt Perry (Motion)

📄 All JavaScript Keyboard Shortcut Libraries are Broken – Reflections on long standing complexities with the myriad ways of detecting keypresses. Jack Duvall

📄 JavaScript Hashing Speed Comparison: MD5 vs. SHA-256 – You shouldn’t be using MD5 anyway, but you especially shouldn’t be using it with the misconception that it’s faster. Daniel Lemire

📄 5 Technical JavaScript Trends You Need To Know About in 2025 Alexander T. Williams

📄 Creating a Generative Artwork with Three.js Eduard Fossas

📄 JavaScript’s Promise.race and Promise.all Are Not “Fair” Chris Krycho

📄 Node.js's Type Stripping Explained Marco Ippolito

🛠 Code & Tools

♟️ Chess.js: A Library to Manage a Chess Game — Provides move generation, validation, piece placement, check/checkmate/stalemate detection – "everything but the AI!" v1.0 offers a rewrite to TypeScript and a variety of enhancements.

Jeff Hlywa

💡 Chess Engines: A Zero to One is a neat article digging into the technicalities of implementing a chess engine.

react-nil 2.0: A React 'Null Renderer' — An interesting experiment to use React in situations where you don’t need it to render anything, but you want to use hooks, suspense, context, and other bits of the React lifecycle. Like in, say, a Node app. Maybe this CodeSandbox example will provoke some ideas.


🔎 file-type 20.0: Detect the File Type of a File, Stream or Data — For example, give it the raw data from a PNG file, and it’ll tell you it’s a PNG. Uses a ‘magic number’ approach so is targeted at non text-based formats. v20 adds support for yet more formats, including JARs, Word/Excel templates, and now supports ZIP decompression.

Sindre Sorhus

Node Web Audio API 1.0: A Web Audio API Implementation for Node — More accurately, it’s a set of Node bindings for a Rust-powered non-browser implementation of the Web Audio API.

IRCAM – Centre Pompidou

⚙️ Vue Spring Bottom Sheet – A lightweight, flexible solution for bottom sheets in Vue apps. megaarmos

⚙️ Act – A Go-powered tool that looks at your repo's GitHub Actions, uses Docker to grab the necessary images, and runs the tasks locally. Nektos

⚙️ Svar – A new suite of open source UI components for Svelte, React, and Vue. XB Software

📰 Classifieds

Optimize Your Next.js App's Metadata - Discover practical ways to boost your site's SEO and visibility by customizing metadata in Next.js.

🎹 STRICH: Add blazing fast and reliable 1D/2D Barcode Scanning to your web apps. Free demo app and 30-day trial available.

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by Lattice, Bilt Rewards, etc.


Even those feature-rich WordPress themes that offer virtually unlimited flexibility can’t necessarily handle every possible demand a designer or developer may throw at them, leaving the website builder with the choice of relying on coding to resolve the issue or seek another solution.  That other solution often takes the form of a WordPress plugin. Plugins […]

The post 10 Best WordPress Plugins for Your 2025 Website Projects appeared first on WebAppers.


When you select a WordPress theme, you will naturally familiarize yourself with the design tools, aids, and other features the theme has to offer. The greater the number of features, it the more a theme should be able to do for you. “More” sometimes means “better” but you still have to ask if “better” will […]

The post Best WordPress Themes To Try Out in 2025 appeared first on WebAppers.