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One World Telecommunications - Web Services

OWT has been designing and programming web pages since 1994. A lot has changed in that time, as access speeds have increased and technologies evolved. While technological advancements have been great for both the user and web site owner, it is important to distinguish between what industry innovations are appropriate for each individual client's needs and which are not. OWT has the experience to wade through the technological noise and decide which tech will prove to be the best fit for your application. Whether it be leveraging the growing importance of search engine recognition or ensuring the user experience is positive through an efficient and sleek design, OWT is prepared to create a website beneficial for the client as well as their users. 

We provide cost-effective solutions for most any budget.  From over-the-top sites with an extensive custom feature set down, to the simplest brochure site; we can deliver your next website for less than you think. We also provide you with the tool set to keep your content fresh and compelling. 

Although we have clients throughout the United States, we pride ourselves on the exceptional customer service we provide to our customers in the Kennewick, Richland, Pasco and Walla Walla areas. When it comes to accurately designing and implementing a web site, we put customers first. 

Trust the experience that OWT has gained over such a long time in this relatively young industry. OWT will help you make smarter and more cost-effective decisions to make your web initiative positive, productive and profitable. 


Affordable & Easy to Manage
Powerful CMS

Upgrade Your Site for Easy Content Management!

Let OWT upgrade your website to use our powerful CMS (Content Management System) that includes a great many powerful features and easy content mangement.  The OWT CMS is also MOBILE FRIENDLY supporting phones and tablets automatically. 

We can use your design or your graphic designers or create a design for you cost effectively.  Building a site in our CMS is fast and efficient. Most small business sites will cost less than $1000 and be unique and customized to your business and needs!  

Our latest features make our CMS and LMS platforms even better! New Video Chat features and Distance Learning Options in our Summer 2020 updates!

Contact us now and see how easy and painless we can make this transition for you!

OWT Makes it Easy!

No matter your web need let OWT show you just how easy we can make it for you!  We tame the technology for you - you don't have to learn complicated control panels as we can do it all for you.  From domain registration to Email and full-featured web hosting OWT can simplify your web experience immensely. 

Industry News


#​709 — October 17, 2024

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

The Story of Web Framework Hono, By Its CreatorHono is a neat, lightweight framework designed to run on any JavaScript runtime that has been picking up steam in the past year. You can create a simple app reminiscent of Express.js, say, but run it on Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, or Node. It’s in heavy use all over the place, and has lots of interesting features like letting you write HTML with JSX.

Yusuke Wada

Supercharge Your Node.js Code Reviews with AI — Tired of event loop bottlenecks, async errors, and dependency vulnerabilities slipping through code reviews? CodeRabbit, an AI-powered code review tool, analyzes your codebase line-by-line, detecting perf issues, optimizing async patterns, and enhancing security with each pull request.

CodeRabbit sponsor

Node v23.0.0 (Current) Released — Say hello to the newest release line of Node.js that gets all the cutting edge features first (Node 22 will soon become an LTS release as per the usual schedule). Node v23 notably enables support for loading ES modules with require() by default, drops 32-bit Windows support, and node --run goes stable.

Rafael Gonzaga

JS0/JSSugar: 'The Tooling Will Continue Until Morale Improves' — In a rather quirky slidedeck presented at TC39 recently, an idea was floated to call the language JS engines implement ‘JS0’ and a myriad of features that have to be compiled to JS0 ‘JSSugar’. It might not surprise you that this idea is considered.. controversial and ▶️ Theo Browne did a 25-minute video digging into it further.




📒 Articles & Tutorials

How to Build an Image Search App with CLIP, Postgres & JavaScript — A tutorial that brings together a lot of ideas in one place. CLIP is used to turn images into text descriptions. Postgres is used as a vector database. JavaScript provides the glue for both the frontend (with React) and backend (Node.js).

Haziqa Sajid

Using Sibling Parameters as Default Values in Functionsfunction myFunc(arg1, arg2 = arg1)? A technique safely in the ‘not a lot of people know you can do that’ pile. Alex digs into it a bit and looks at some use cases.

Alex MacArthur

[Guide] Debugging Microservices & Distributed Systems — Learn best practices on understanding and debugging modern web applications. Read the guide.

Sentry sponsor

Liskov's Gun: The Parallel Evolution of React and Web Components — An opinion piece so long there’s an EPUB version. Baldur tackles Web Components, their growing pains, why frameworks like React took a different path, and why the whole topic remains a difficult circle to square.

Baldur Bjarnason

React Folder Structure in Five Steps, 2024 Edition — Articles about structuring React apps are always popular; this one breaks the idea down to five steps from the simplest of apps to more complex ones. Bulletproof React is worth a look too for something broader.

Robin Wieruch

Optimize Your Builds with Depot’s GitHub Actions Price Calculator — Depot just launched a GitHub Actions price calculator. Get a cost breakdown and make your builds faster and cheaper!

Depot / GitHub Actions Price Calculator sponsor

📄 🫣 Implementing Regular Expressions in TypeScript Types (Badly) – It’s almost Halloween so scary stories are welcome. Steven Kalt

📄 'I Interviewed 100 DevTools Founders and This Is What I Learned' Jack Bridger

📄 Handling In-Browser Paste Events in JavaScript Raymond Camden

📄 The Nuances of Base64 Encoding Strings in JavaScript Matt Joseph

📄 How to Convert CommonJS to ESM Andy Jiang

🛠 Code & Tools

ApexCharts: Flexible Interactive Charting Library — A mature and frequently updated charting library for creating interactive data visualizations, with sparklines, heatmaps, line charts, funnel charts, pies, and others. Can be used in a vanilla way or alongside Angular, Vue or React and there are lots of live examples (with code for each). GitHub repo.


Over 100 Algorithms and Data Structures Demonstrated in JS — Examples of numerous common algorithms (e.g. bit manipulation, Pascal’s triangle, Hamming distance) and data structures (e.g. linked lists, tries, graphs) with explanations.

Oleksii Trekhleb et al.

Developer Kit: Learn How to Troubleshoot Front-End Issues Faster — Get the kit curated to help front-end developers better understand user activity and resolve issues more efficiently.

Datadog sponsor

fast-grid: The World's Most Performant DOM-Based Web Table? — A bold claim, but you can see for yourself using the online demo, which lets you filter, sort, and scroll simultaneously for a true test.

Gabriel Petersson

🎨 Color Thief: Grab Color Palettes from Images — Given an image, this uses canvas to return a list of the dominant colors. Works in browsers or Node.

Lokesh Dhakar

Node Version Manager Desktop 4.0 — A Tauri-powered desktop app for macOS, Windows and Linux to manage multiple installed versions of Node on your system.


🎹 ChordSymbol: Chord Symbol Parser and Renderer — Accepts chord names in strings (e.g. G7/B, Cadd9, Asus2) and lets you access the notes those chords are made of. GitHub repo.

Christophe Noël

  • debounce 2.2 – Delay function calls until a set time elapses after the last invocation.

  • 😳 NSFW.js 4.2 – Client-side NSFW image detection via TensorFlow.js.

  • Secretlint 9.0 – Tool to prevent committing credentials/secrets.

  • ☎︎ vue-tel-input 9.2 – Telephone number input for Vue. (Demo.)

  • 🗓️ Qalendar 3.9 – Event calendar and date picker for Vue 3.

  • Vaul 1.1 – Unstyled drawer React component. (Demo.)

  • Mineflayer 4.22 – Create Minecraft bots in JavaScript.

  • FxTS 1.1 – Functional programming library for TS/JS.

📰 Classifieds

🎹 STRICH: Add blazing fast and reliable 1D/2D Barcode Scanning to your web apps. Free demo app and 30-day trial available.

🪝 Hookdeck: A serverless queue to reliably send, receive, transform, filter, and route events across your event-driven apps.

💥 Improve your database performance with AI. Prisma Optimize automatically analyzes your queries and helps you improve them.


#​708 — October 10, 2024

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

TC39 Advances 10+ ECMAScript Proposals — The architects behind the development of the ECMAScript / JavaScript spec got together again this week (you can see them in this tweet) and they had a packed agenda. Import attributes, Iterator helpers, Promise.try and Regexp modifiers all made it to stage 4, and more besides.

Sarah Gooding (Socket)

🦖 Announcing Deno 2 — A huge release for the “what if I reinvented Node again from scratch?” runtime. Backwards compatibility with Node is a headline feature, but there’s a lot more baked in. Best, though, is the ▶️ epic ‘Announcing Deno 2’ video. After a slightly bombastic opener, Ryan presents a fantastic ‘keynote’ style tour of everything Deno has to offer – I enjoyed watching it.

Dahl, Belder, Iwańczuk and Jiang

💡 A neat new feature is Deno's Jupyter Notebook support which Simon Willison checks out here.

A Deeper Understanding of Web Security — Steve Kinney hosts this extensive video course on the challenges of web security. You'll gain a deeper understanding of security on the web, developing your mental model on how to approach things, explore common vulnerabilities, get hands-on experience with security tools, and get to grips with best practices.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Announcing TypeScript 5.7 Beta — The newest TypeScript is on the way. As always, a true laundry list of enhancements and new features, but the path rewriting for relative paths is a particularly welcome addition, enabling easy rewrites of .ts imports into .js at compile time.




📒 Articles & Tutorials

Building a Local Single-Page App with htmx — If you have a reasonably simple app to build, using a large framework is probably going to be overkill. htmx to the rescue! Jake presents an easily followed practical tutorial packed with code.

Jake Lazaroff

💡 Jake also wrote an interesting case study of building a local-first app using SvelteKit and Shoelace, if you want to see something more fully-formed.

Product for Engineers: A Newsletter Helping Flex Your Product Muscle — Product for Engineers is dedicated to sharing the skills and strategies product engineers need to succeed.

PostHog sponsor

Build a Static RSS Reader To Fight Your Inner FOMO — The theme of lightweight JavaScript apps continues with a look at creating a basic RSS feed reader, that updates once a day, with Astro.

Karin Hendrikse

Node vs Bun: No Backend Performance Difference? — You can always trust a benchmark to ruffle some feathers, often over the methodology rather than the result. This is no exception, but interesting nonetheless.

Evert Heylen

▶  Building a Tic-Tac-Toe Game in TypeScript Types — One of those videos I enjoyed simply so I don’t ever feel tempted to try it myself.

Typed Rocks

Securing Node.js Express APIs with Clerk and React — Secure Express API endpoints and integrate authentication without the complexity of building it from scratch.

Clerk sponsor

📄 Building a Robust Frontend using Progressive Enhancement UK Government

📄 The Popover API: Your New Best Friend for Tooltips – Supported in all major browsers, except Safari on iOS. Sjoerd Beentjes

📄 18 Interview Questions Answered by Angular Experts Angular Space

📄 Testing CSS Print Media Styles with Cypress Gleb Bahmutov

🛠 Code & Tools

DOCX 9.0: Generate Word .docx Files from JavaScript — The code to lay out documents is verbose but there’s a lot of functionality baked in and there aren’t many other options for this task. Here’s a CodePen-based example to give you an idea. GitHub repo.

Dolan Miu

TinyJS: A Lightweight Way to Work with DOM Elements — Lighter than querySelector and friends, you ask? Not in file size, but certainly in code weight. TinyJS offers a jQuery-esque syntax for element selection, adding properties to elements, and more.

Victor Ribeiro

Breakpoints and console.log Is the Past, Time Travel Is the Future — 15x faster JavaScript debugging than with breakpoints and console.log, supports Vitest, jest, karma, jasmine, and more.

Wallaby Team sponsor

SVGuitar 2.4: Create SVG-Based Guitar Chord Charts — Dynamically generate chord charts / fingerings in the browser. You can experiment with it in this live demo.

Raphael Voellmy

Free Public APIs: A Collection of Free Public APIs for Developers — Categorized and searchable, these are tested daily by bots so if any API is taken down or moved behind a paywall, it's removed from the site.

Nick Schneeberger

TutorialKit 1.0: Create Interactive Coding Tutorials — StackBlitz’s framework for creating interactive coding tutorials, perhaps as a way to boost the adoption of your own libraries or design system. v1.0 marks TutorialKit as stable.


Jeasx: The Ease of JSX with the Power of SSR — A new server side rendering framework built on top of JSX and Fastify.

Maik Jablonski

ip-address 10.0: Library for Parsing and Manipulating IP Addresses — Works with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

Beau Gunderson

📰 Classifieds

Automatically creates & maintains E2E UI tests. Zero flakes. Used by Lattice, Bilt Rewards and others. Backed by YC, CTO GitHub and others.

Pythagora is an AI dev tool that builds production-ready tools (not demo apps). It writes the code and talks to you in the process.

⚙️ Create entire web apps with Reactile and let it handle your widgets and windows within a single browser tab. 1-month free trial. Try it now.


#​707 — October 3, 2024

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

VoidZero: A Next-Generation Toolchain for JavaScript — Not content to have merely created Vue.js and Vite, JavaScript powerhouse Evan You has unveiled his latest adventure: a $4.6m funded company building an open-source unified development toolchain for the JavaScript ecosystem. With his track record, this is as good an attempt as it gets.

Evan You

ESLint Now Officially Supports Linting JSON and Markdown — ESLint has been taking steps to become a more general purpose linter and that effort is beginning to bear fruit with this milestone.

Nicholas C. Zakas

Run GitHub Actions Up to 2x Faster at Half the Cost — Blacksmith runs your GitHub Actions substantially faster by running them on modern gaming CPUs. Integrating Blacksmith is a one-line code change. 100+ companies like Ashby, Superblocks, and Slope use Blacksmith to help developers merge code faster.

Blacksmith sponsor

Tauri 2.0: Small, Fast Desktop Apps using Web TechnologiesTauri is a Rust-based alternative to Electron for bringing together HTML, JavaScript and CSS code to create cross-platform desktop apps. Rather than using V8, it uses the natively available webview to run your code.

Tillmann Weidinger



  • Eleventy / 11ty 3.0 – Node.js-powered static site generator.

  • Tabulator 6.3 – Popular interactive table / data grid control.

  • Jiti 2.0 – Runtime TypeScript and ESM support for Node.js.

  • pnpm 9.12 – The alternative, efficient package manager.

ViteConf is Live! — Join us today and tomorrow for ViteConf 2024!

StackBlitz sponsor

📒 Articles & Tutorials

▶  Bundling: The Past, Present and Future — A history lesson on bundlers, why they’re used, the problems they solve, the current ecosystem, and a look at the potential future for these tools.

Devon Govett

Unleash JavaScript's Potential with Functional Programming — More focused on the how, rather than the why, but a good primer nonetheless, especially if you’ve never tried to learn about FP before.

Jan Hesters

An Online Event You Won’t Want to Miss — 🔥 JetBrains JavaScript Day returns Oct 24, and it promises to be the best one yet! Explore an impressive agenda and register for free today.

JetBrains sponsor

SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes for Writing Vectors by Hand — Explores the basics of hand-coding SVGs, how to use JavaScript along the way, and practical examples to demystify the inner workings of common SVG elements.

Myriam Frisano

📄 Web Components are Not Framework Components and That’s Okay Lea Verou

📄 How to Submit an Electron App to the Mac App Store Liu Liu

📄 Why Gumroad Didn't Choose htmx Sahil Lavingia

📄 How Bun Supports V8 APIs Without using V8 Ben Grant (Bun)

📺 Laravel vs Rails for JavaScript Developers Sam Lewis

🛠 Code & Tools

🤖 assistant-ui: React Components for AI Chat — It doesn’t just give you the interface components, but has integrations for Vercel AI, Langchain, and talking to other common LLM APIs (e.g. OpenAI), enabling you to build your own in-house AI chat system quickly. Examples.

Simon Farshid

qrframe: A Library to Generate 'Pretty' QR Codes — It's slightly odd as the QR codes generated aren’t guaranteed to scan reliably, but if you can generate ones that do, they look striking, and could be useful for branding/fun use cases. Play around with a live demo here.

Kyle Zheng

Announcing MongoDB 8.0 — Over 30% Faster Than Before — Learn how MongoDB 8.0 was built to exceed the most stringent security, availability, and performance requirements.

MongoDB 8.0 sponsor

Superdiff 2.0: Compares Two Arrays or Objects and Return a Diff — Got two similar objects and want to see the underlying differences?


µExpress / Ultimate Express: Like Express, But Faster — Imagine a reimplementation of Express with full API compatibility, but based on µWebSockets and with an optimized router for faster performance.


VueFormify 1.1: Simple Type-Safe Form Building for Vue — Bills itself as “your ticket to form-building autonomy.” There’s a getting started guide and GitHub repo.

Máté Nagy

pretty-print: Customizable String Representations of JS Values — Produce a string representation of any value. Similar to util.inspect but with many extra options for tree-ifying, coloring, sorting, choosing what to display, etc.

Effectful Technologies Inc

📰 Classifieds

⚙️ Create entire web apps with Reactile and let it handle your widgets and windows within a single browser tab. 1-month free trial. Try it now.

Automatically creates & maintains E2E UI tests. Zero flakes. Used by Lattice, Bilt Rewards and others. Backed by YC, CTO GitHub and others.


#​706 — September 26, 2024

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Deno 2.0 Release Candidate — Deno started life as a manifestation of ideas that Node’s original creator, Ryan Dahl, had after his experiences with Node. Deno 2 is the next step: how the Deno team thinks Deno should ultimately be. Many changes await: window is gone and Node’s process appears, dependency management has been improved, numerous APIs have gone stable (e.g. WebGPU), and both Node.js API and CommonJS support have continued to improve.

Bartek Iwańczuk and Andy Jiang

Don't Sleep on AbortControllerAbortController is a broadly available mechanism for, originally, aborting Web requests on demand, but you can use it for a lot more than that (or ‘anything!’, as Artem explains).

Artem Zakharchenko

Learn to Build Feature-Rich, Native Mobile Apps Using React Native and Expo — Join Kadi Kraman for a video course designed to hone your React skills. Whether a beginner, or looking to further refine your skill set, you'll learn to create practical iOS and Android apps, covering components, styling, UX, linting, async storage, animation, and much more.

Frontend Masters sponsor

How Josh W. Comeau Rebuilt His Blog, App Router Style — We’re huge fans of Josh’s blog and he’s just rebuilt it entirely using Next.js, MDX, Sandpack, and an array of other technologies. Here, he goes into great depth about what's involved. A good look behind the scenes of a modern React-driven project.

Josh W Comeau



  • Bun v1.1.29 – Its C compilation feature gets N-API support, but is otherwise largely a bugfix release.

  • Storybook 8.3 – A popular frontend component workshop is now using Vitest to rapidly speed up its component testing features.

  • Strapi 5 – Popular open source headless CMS.

  • Solid 1.9 – Declarative and performant reactivity for building UIs.

  • PostgreSQL 17 – The popular database isn't a JavaScript project, but a lot of you will be using it. Psst! We have a Postgres newsletter too!

📒 Articles & Tutorials

A Guide to Destructuring in JavaScript — The destructuring assignment syntax appeared in ES6 almost ten years ago and has become a central part of modern JavaScript development. This is a good primer/reminder of the potential.

Mat Marquis

The Nine Node Pillars: Principles for Doing Node Right — A group of prolific and productive Node.js contributors have put together a checklist to identify gaps in your current Node development practices, particularly when building large-scale apps.

Snell, Venditto, Dawson, Collina, et al.

A Complete Guide to Session Management in Next.js — Learn how integrating session management into your app provides robust security and enhances user experience.

Clerk sponsor

What Are Durable Functions? A Visual JavaScript Primer — This is rather dependent on what Inngest, a durable function service, offers, but is a good primer to the general idea which may well suit your use cases.

Lydia Hallie (Inngest)

What's New in Express.js 5.0 — Express.js 5.0 landed recently with rather brief release notes, so here's a deeper look at what it has to offer. The updates are largely incremental, but set the stage for Express’s future.

Trevor I. Lasn

Angular Routing Essentials: Everything in One Post — A bold claim, but it does a pretty good job.

Oleksandr Kocherhin

Using Reddit's JSON API from a JavaScript App — How to pull data from Reddit’s API and display it in a simple web application built with Parcel.

Muhammed Ali

📺 Create a Donkey Kong Country-ish Platformer in JS – We don’t see the DKC resemblance, but it’s a solid 4 hour screencast. Chris Courses

📄 Implementing a 'Like' Button without Authentication Abhishek Saha

🛠 Code & Tools

Schedule-X 2: A Modern Event Calendar Component — Available in the form of React/Preact, Vue, Svelte, Angular, or plain JS components. Open source but with a premium version with extra features. GitHub repo.

Tom Österlund

🧹 Vue Mess Detector: Code and Quality Analysis for Vue Projects — A static analysis tool that can catch various bugs and code quality issues in Vue-based projects, built atop rules from the Vue.js Style Guide and others. GitHub repo.

Various Contributors

✂️ Cut Your QA Cycles Down from Hours to MinutesQA Wolf's AI-native approach gets engineering teams to 80% automated end-to-end test coverage and helps them ship 2x faster by reducing QA cycles from hours to minutes.

QA Wolf sponsor

Tesseract.js: Pure JS OCR for 100+ Languages — A port of the C++-based Tesseract library commonly used for extract text from images. The homepage has a live demo where you can drop your own images. GitHub repo.

Tesseract Team

HumanifyJS: Deobfuscate JavaScript Code using ChatGPT — There’s an in-depth explainer here. The primary feature is its ability to reverse the loss of meaningful variable and function names based on the context of the code.

Jesse Luoto

Tests Are Dead. Meticulous Is Here — Automatically creates & maintains E2E UI tests. Zero flakes. Backed by YC, CTO of GitHub, CPO of Adobe, CEO of Vercel.

Meticulous sponsor

React Snap Carousel: DOM-First, Headless Carousel — Uses native browser scrolling and CSS scroll snap points for performance. Try out some of its features in its Storybook. The latest version adds support for infinite carousels.

Richard Scarrott

💡 For more React projects, check out our latest React newsletter.