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One World Telecommunications - Web Services

OWT has been designing and programming web pages since 1994. A lot has changed in that time, as access speeds have increased and technologies evolved. While technological advancements have been great for both the user and web site owner, it is important to distinguish between what industry innovations are appropriate for each individual client's needs and which are not. OWT has the experience to wade through the technological noise and decide which tech will prove to be the best fit for your application. Whether it be leveraging the growing importance of search engine recognition or ensuring the user experience is positive through an efficient and sleek design, OWT is prepared to create a website beneficial for the client as well as their users. 

We provide cost-effective solutions for most any budget.  From over-the-top sites with an extensive custom feature set down, to the simplest brochure site; we can deliver your next website for less than you think. We also provide you with the tool set to keep your content fresh and compelling. 

Although we have clients throughout the United States, we pride ourselves on the exceptional customer service we provide to our customers in the Kennewick, Richland, Pasco and Walla Walla areas. When it comes to accurately designing and implementing a web site, we put customers first. 

Trust the experience that OWT has gained over such a long time in this relatively young industry. OWT will help you make smarter and more cost-effective decisions to make your web initiative positive, productive and profitable. 


Powerful CMS
Affordable & Easy to Manage

Upgrade Your Site for Easy Content Management!

Let OWT upgrade your website to use our powerful CMS (Content Management System) that includes a great many powerful features and easy content mangement.  The OWT CMS is also MOBILE FRIENDLY supporting phones and tablets automatically. 

We can use your design or your graphic designers or create a design for you cost effectively.  Building a site in our CMS is fast and efficient. Most small business sites will cost less than $1000 and be unique and customized to your business and needs!  

Our latest features make our CMS and LMS platforms even better! New Video Chat features and Distance Learning Options in our Summer 2020 updates!

Contact us now and see how easy and painless we can make this transition for you!

OWT Makes it Easy!

No matter your web need let OWT show you just how easy we can make it for you!  We tame the technology for you - you don't have to learn complicated control panels as we can do it all for you.  From domain registration to Email and full-featured web hosting OWT can simplify your web experience immensely. 

Industry News


#​728 — March 21, 2025

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

Rsdoctor 1.0: An Analyzer for Rspack and Webpack — A one-stop, intelligent build analyzer making it easier to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance. It’s part of the same family of tools as Rspack (a Rust-powered web bundler) but is fully webpack compatible. If you’ve ever asked why your build times are too long, this is for you.

ByteDance Inc.

💡 In other Rust-powered JavaScript tooling news, the Oxlint JavaScript linter is now in beta. Imagine ESLint, but it runs in seconds on large codebases (indeed, it can process Microsoft's VS Code repo in under a second).

Add Excel-like Spreadsheet Functionality to Your JavaScript Apps — SpreadJS is the industry-leading JavaScript spreadsheet for adding advanced spreadsheet features to your enterprise apps. Build finance, analysis, budget, and other apps. Excel I/O, 500+ calc functions, tables, charts, and more. View demos now.

SpreadJS from MESCIUS inc sponsor

📉 How We Made Our Rich Text Editor Load FasterCKEditor is a long-standing, full featured GPL and commercially licensed rich text editor but its complexity can come with a performance cost. In this two part series (part two here), the CKEditor team digs into how they’ve recently significantly boosted its performance.

Szymon Cofalik (CKEditor)

Next.js vs TanStack — An incisive essay from a developer who’s had enough of the Next.js approach and has found solace in the approach offered by the increasingly capable TanStack collection of tools (as well as Vite).

Kyle Gill



📒 Articles & Tutorials

How to Build a Snake AI Game with Docker and TensorFlow.js — You’ve probably heard about people ‘vibe coding’ games by letting LLMs do the coding work, but what if you want to build a game yourself that has neural network powered elements? TensorFlow.js offers one solution that you could just as easily adapt to non-gaming contexts.

Manvar and Raina (Docker)

The Great ESLint v9 Migration Adventure: A Developer's Survival Guide“Let’s just say… I’ve seen things. I hit all the bumps, took all the wrong turns, and somehow made it to the other side—so you don’t have to.”

Yacine Kharoubi

🔒 Protect Against AI Bots, Fraud, and Abuse in Real Time — WorkOS Radar protects your app with advanced device fingerprinting — stop fake signups, free tier abuse, bot attacks and brute force attempts today.

WorkOS sponsor

React Trends in 2025 — Each year Robin does a post giving his opinion on what trends he sees arising over the next year. Last year, he put his money on Astro, RSCs, Vercel, and Biome – this year he points at React Server Components, shadcn/ui, TanStack Start, React Router, and more.

Robin Wieruch

Build a Custom RAG AI Agent with TypeScript and Jupyter — Deno, Ollama, and a few different AI models come together in this tutorial for storing document embeddings in a vector store and querying them for use in a basic agent.

Kitson Kelly

📄 Training AI to Uncover Malicious JavaScript Intent and Make the Web Safer Cejuela and Zheng (Cloudflare)

📄 Lazy Load Background Images with the IntersectionObserver API Anna Monus

📄 Web Components vs. Framework Components: What’s the Difference? Gabriel Shoyombo

📄 Detecting Browser Zoom Changes in JavaScript Kirupa Chinnathambi

📄 Making a Browser Based Game With Vanilla JS and CSS Eoin McGrath

📄 Deno Shows Us There's a Better Way Mac Chaffee

🛠 Code & Tools

Introducing Motion for VueMotion is a popular and powerful animation library most commonly associated with React, but now there’s a new Vue flavor and it’s feature complete, too.

Matt Perry (Motion)

Reveal.js 5.2: The HTML Presentation Framework — Brings elegant presentations to anyone with a Web browser. v5.2 adds the ability to trigger ‘lightboxes’ where viewers can see images and videos in a way where they stand out more.

Hakim El Hattab

Introducing @clerk/agent-toolkit — Build agentic systems with support for user and organizational management. Compatible with Vercel's AI SDK and LangChain.

Clerk sponsor

Konva: A JavaScript 2D Canvas Library — The native API for Canvas elements is pretty good, but Konva is a popular abstraction that sits on top and provides a more structured way to work with shapes, styling, events, animations, and more (lots of demos with code). It also has extra integration libraries for Vue, Svelte and React.


Typist 8.0: Tiptap-Based Rich Text Editor Component — Simple and opinionated. You can try several examples linked in the sidebar. Well suited for basic rich text situations like writing comments or messages and has a single-line mode. GitHub repo.


PeanoScript: TypeScript But It's a Theorem Prover — An experimental proof assistant for Peano arithmetic based on TypeScript syntax.


  • Gridstack.js 11.5 – Build responsive interactive dashboards quickly.

  • Repomix 0.3 – Pack an entire repository into a single, AI-friendly file.

  • DOCX 9.3 – Generate .docx / Word files from JavaScript.

  • 🖼️ Parvus 3.0 – Dependency-free image lightbox control.

  • BlockNote 0.26 – 'Notion-style' block-based editor.

  • 🤖 wllama 2.3 – WebAssembly binding for llama.cpp.

  • Pixi.js 8.9 – Fast, flexible 2D WebGL renderer.

📰 Classifieds

🎹 STRICH: Add blazing fast and reliable 1D/2D Barcode Scanning to your web apps. Free demo app and 30-day trial available.

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by 1000s of orgs, including Dropbox, Lattice, Bilt Rewards and many more.

📊 Jspreadsheet – Lightweight JS data grid with Excel-like controls. Create rich web spreadsheets fast. Try it now.

📢  Elsewhere

A quick roundup of other interesting updates and useful resources from across the broader developer landscape:


#​727 — March 14, 2025

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

A Perplexing JavaScript Parsing Puzzle — It looks deceptively simple – just 14 characters of JavaScript – but after working with JavaScript for 29 years, I got it wrong. A clue: it goes back to a browser-related quirk from 30 years ago..

Hillel Wayne

TypeScript's Compiler to Get 10x Faster — TypeScript has shaken up the JavaScript ecosystem in recent years with an increasing number of developers relying on its strong typing and added structure. TypeScript’s compiler isn’t particularly fast, though, but the TypeScript team at Microsoft are changing that by porting it to Go!

Anders Hejlsberg (Microsoft)

💡 Dr. Axel Rauschmayer takes a closer look at the details behind the port.

Build a Secure Project Management — Learn a security-first approach to building web applications by building a secure project management platform with Next.js.

Clerk sponsor


  • Node.js v20.19.0 (LTS) is a notable release for a maintenance branch of Node as an exception has been made to the maintenance policy for backporting require(esm) support, which is now enabled by default.

  • The latest version of Chrome (and preview versions of Firefox and Safari) support two new HTML attributes, command and commandfor, for adding declarative actions to HTML buttons without directly requiring JavaScript.


📒 Articles & Tutorials

Building APIs with Next.js — A detailed, official introduction to the concepts behind using Next.js’ App Router and route handlers to build public APIs you can expose to web, mobile, and third-party clients.

Lee Robinson

How The New York Times Migrated from Enzyme to React Testing Library — A thorough look at the technical challenges and strategies the NYT used to perform a piecemeal upgrade of its React testing approach without disrupting either end users or other developers.

Felipe Buenaño (NYT Open Team)

Which AI Model Is Best for Fixing Unit Test Errors? Claude, o3-mini, GPT-4o? — Better context wins every time. Wallaby enters the chat to give AI what it needs - test coverage and runtime values - to debug smarter.

Wallaby Team sponsor

How ECMAScript Engines Optimize Your Variables — From the authors of the Boa JS Rust-powered JavaScript engine.

Boa Developers

📄 Use Cases for the Document Picture-in-Picture API – A way to open a floating, always-on-top window (‘picture-in-picture’) that can display arbitrary HTML content. Chrome only, though. Jad Joubran

📄 Using Intl.DurationFormat to Format Time Durations with Locale Support Trevor I. Lasn

📄 Learn Zod So You Can Trust Your Data and Your Types Diana MacDonald

📄 10 Hidden Gems in Angular That You Should Use IE 33

📄 Underrated Angular Features Armen Vardanyan

🛠 Code & Tools

Refractor 5.0: Robust Virtual Syntax Highlighting using Prism — Wraps the powerful Prism syntax highlighter to output objects instead of an HTML string so you can manipulate and render it as you wish (e.g. in a VDOM or at the terminal). Lowlight, by the same author, offers the same functionality but backed by highlight.js.

Titus Wormer

svg2pdf.js: SVG to PDF Conversion in the Browser — There’s an online playground to give you a feel for what it can do.

yWorks GmbH

🔒 Protect Against AI Bots, Fraud, and Abuse in Real Time — WorkOS Radar protects your app with advanced device fingerprinting — stop fake signups, free tier abuse, bot attacks and brute force attempts today.

WorkOS sponsor

⌘K: A Fast, Composable, Unstyled 'Command Menu' Control — The home page includes some neat examples in a variety of styles. GitHub repo. Needs React 18+.

Paco Coursey

🔎 Node Modules Inspector — A tool that runs pnpm inside your browser, “installs” a package, then analyzes its dependencies. This can be useful for analyzing packages you already use, but also for simplifying your own projects, as 11ty’s Zach Leatherman did here.

Anthony Fu

PGlite: Run Postgres in WebAssembly — PGlite packages a WASM build of Postgres into a TypeScript library that can be run directly from Node.js (or Bun, Deno, and even the browser) and it’s only a few megabytes in size.

ElectricSQL / Neon

  • Gleam 1.9 – Type-safe functional programming language that targets both the Erlang VM and JavaScript runtime.

  • <css-doodle> 0.42 – Web component for drawing patterns with CSS.

  • Faker 9.6 – Generate fabricated data to your heart's content.

  • Choices 11.1 – Configurable select box/text input plugin.

  • 🕒 Spacetime 7.8 – Lightweight timezone library.

  • Ink 5.2 – Use React to build CLI apps.

📰 Classifieds

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by 1000s of orgs, including Dropbox, Lattice, Bilt Rewards and many more.

Current PDF setup slowing you down? Try Nutrient's PDF SDK — it's used by IBM, SAP, DocuSign and countless others to open, edit, and customize with ease across platforms.

👀 Give your eyes a break! MonoLisa is a font optimized for developers. Try now.

📢  Elsewhere

A quick roundup of some of other interesting updates or useful resources in the broader developer landscape:


#​726 — March 7, 2025

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

A Report on How the Web is Really Using JavaScript — Each year, the HTTP Archive puts together the Web Almanac, a report on the ‘state of the Web’. The JavaScript section has just gone live and goes into depth on how much JS we’re using (or failing to use!), the popularity of TypeScript, loading methods, Web Worker use, and, yes, jQuery still leads the way!

HTTP Archive

Lynx: A Fresh Way to Build Apps from Web TechnologiesLynx is a new set of tools for building JavaScript-powered native and Web apps that draws inspiration from React Native but aims to be more modular and flexible (and eventually framework agnostic). It comes from, and is used by, TikTok, and comes with its own QuickJS-based JavaScript engine.

Xuan Huang and the Lynx Team

Build Dynamic Forms with a JSON-Powered White-Label Form Builder — Create fully customizable, JSON-driven forms in your JavaScript app with SurveyJS. Our drag-and-drop form-building UI component integrates seamlessly with React, Angular, Vue 3, and vanilla JS, plus has no backend restrictions. Perfect for form-heavy apps.

SurveyJS sponsor

Announcing TypeScript 5.8 — Four months in the making, TypeScript 5.8 lands with a strong Node focus. You can now use require() for ES modules in the nodenext module, there’s a new node18 module for developers who want to keep targeting Node 18, and most notably there’s now an --erasableSyntaxOnly option to ensure no TypeScript-only runtime semantics can be used.




📒 Articles & Tutorials

JavaScript Fatigue Strikes Back — A developer with ‘a decade away’ from writing JavaScript returns to find that one thing hasn’t changed: “Choosing the right JavaScript framework is hard, man.”

Allen Pike

Dr. Axel's 'Sales Pitch' for TypeScript — As one of JavaScript’s most esteemed writers, if Dr. Axel can’t convince you of the value of TypeScript, who could?

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

Instrument, Monitor, Fix: A Hands-On Debugging Class — Join us for a hands-on session where you’ll build it, watch it break, debug it, and go from “no idea what’s wrong” to fixing issues.

Sentry sponsor

Reimplementing Crossy Road in JavaScript — Two well put together tutorials so far covering reimplementing Crossy Road with either Three.js or React Three Fiber. In both written or video form.

Hunor Márton Borbély

Node Just Added TypeScript Support. What Does That Mean for Deno? — The Deno team, who went all in on TypeScript from day one, reflects on the continued increase in levels of support for TypeScript in Node and how their approaches differ.

Andy Jiang and Ryan Dahl

📄 Creating an Image Comparison Slider in 6 Lines of JavaScript Muffin Man

📄 Is Biome Ready to Replace Prettier and ESLint? Nicolas Pendon

📄 Speeding Up the JS Ecosystem with Rust and JavaScript Plugins Marvin Hagemeister

📄 JavaScript Best Practice: Use return await Tamás Sallai

🛠 Code & Tools

TanStack Form v1.0: Headless, Type-Safe Form State Management — A type-safe, framework agnostic (React, Vue, Angular, Solid and Lit are all supported out of the box), headless and isomorphic way to create and work with forms, with this v1.0 release over two years in the making. If you already use things like Formik or React Hook Form and are wondering how it differs, here’s a comparison table.

Tanner Linsley

PDFSlick 2.2: View and Interact with PDF Documents — A full-featured PDF viewer for React, Solid, Svelte and other JS apps. Built on top of PDF.js, it uses Zustand to provide a reactive store for documents. Demo.

Vancho Stojkov

🔒 Protect Against AI Bots, Fraud, and Abuse in Real Time — WorkOS Radar protects your app with advanced device fingerprinting — stop fake signups, free tier abuse, bot attacks and brute force attempts today.

WorkOS sponsor

Electron App Boilerplate with Modern Dependencies — A basic template app that uses React 19, Tailwind CSS 4, shadcn/ui, Electron Vite, Biome, and includes a GitHub Actions release workflow.

Dalton Menezes

Fable: A F# to JavaScript Compiler — If you fancy F#’s flavor of almost-entirely-functional development, this could be for you. GitHub repo.


React Data Table: Responsive Dynamic Table Component — Simple and clean, but flexible. Includes features like column sorting and pagination out of the box. Lots of demos and code examples. GitHub repo.

John Betancur

  • 🖼️ Cropper.js 2.0 – JavaScript image cropping control. There's an online playground where you get a feel for all its features.

  • 📈 Perspective 3.4 – Streaming data viz and analytics component. The core is written in C++ and compiled to WebAssembly. The homepage shows it off well.

  • Happy DOM 17.3 – Cross-runtime JS implementation of a web browser sans UI.

  • EasyMDE 2.20 – A simple Markdown editor control. Demo.

  • LogTape 0.9 – Simple logging library for all major JS runtimes.

📰 Classifieds

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by 1000s of orgs, including Dropbox, Lattice, Bilt Rewards and many more.

Meet Harmony - An open source library for composing consistent and highly performant platforms from independent business features.

🏎️ Cut Integration Time – CarsXE’s API ensures minimal setup and faster deployment for your project. Learn more.

Working with in-app PDFs can be frustrating. Try Nutrient’s PDF SDK which handles problems effortlessly, so you don’t have to spend time fixing them. Used by ~1 billion end users in more than 150 different countries.

📢  Elsewhere

A quick roundup of some of other interesting updates or useful resources in the broader developer landscape:


#​725 — February 28, 2025

Read on the Web

✏️ Whenever we include more than a few links about TypeScript, we get complaints from people who don't like it. We get that, we love you folks, and we're aware. TypeScript isn't our main focus but we do cover it, including critical pieces. That in mind, prepare yourself for our top feature... but the rest of the issue is mostly JavaScript, promise! 😅
Peter Cooper, your editor

JavaScript Weekly

Developer Implements 'Doom' in TypeScript's Type System — A curious quirk of TypeScript’s type system is that it is Turing-complete which has led some developers to implement apps entirely in the type system. One such developer has spent eighteen months producing 177 terabytes of types to get 1993’s Doom running with them. Ridiculous and amazing in equal measure, he ▶️ explains the project in this widely lauded 7-minute video. 👏

Sarah Gooding (Socket)

Functional JavaScript First Steps, v2 — A friendly, practical introduction to functional programming fundamentals in JavaScript. Learn the power of the pure function while exploring functional programming paradigms.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Bun v1.2.3 and v1.2.4 Released — The rapid pace of progress on the JavaScriptCore-based runtime is only increasing. v1.2.3 pushes frontend dev server features (run bun ./index.html and all the bundling is done for you). bun init can now be used to create a new React project. Meanwhile, Bun 1.2.4 builds macOS apps 60% faster and macOS executables can now be code signed.

Jarred Sumner et al.

What is TypeScript? An Overview for JavaScript Programmers — You may have noticed esteemed JavaScript developer and author Dr. Axel has been on a TypeScript odyssey recently. Here he does a good job at boiling down the what (rather than the ‘why’) of TypeScript. A handy primer on what’s going on, even if you don’t plan to use it, since you'll end up interacting with it somewhere..

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer



  • Next.js 15.2 – Now with a redesigned debugging experience and experimental support for React's new View Transitions API and using the Node.js runtime in middleware.

  • Astro 5.4 – Now with remote image optimization and experimental responsive image support in Markdown.

  • ESLint v9.21.0 – Now with a --ext CLI option to lint files with a particular extension.

  • Ember.js 6.2, Angular 19.2, Node.js v23.9 (Current)

📒 Articles & Tutorials

React Libraries for 2025 — Each year, prolific React blogger Robin updates his post covering his opinionated list of essential React ecosystem libraries. He covers a lot of angles from project creation and package management through to state management, animation, form creation, auth, and i18n.

Robin Wieruch

Turbocharging V8 with Mutable Heap Numbers — The V8 team uses the JetStream2 benchmark suite to investigate performance issues and has implemented a new optimization yielding not just a 2.5x improvement in the async-fs benchmark but in other areas too.

Victor Gomes (V8)

Wish Your AI Co-Pilot Actually Knew Your Codebase? — Try the most context-aware Developer AI. Augment deeply understands your codebase, documentation, and dependencies.

Augment Code sponsor

Subverting Control with Weak References — A weak reference differs from a normal reference in that it doesn’t prevent a referenced object from being garbage collected. Most modern JS runtimes support them and James shows how they can be useful.

James Long

How JIT (Just In Time) Compilation Makes JavaScript Faster Royal Bhati

📄 Using AI in the Browser for Typo Rewriting – A poke around one of Chrome’s newest AI features. Raymond Camden

📄 A Mere Mortal's Introduction to JIT Vulnerabilities in JS Engines Josiah Pierce

📄 How to Do Visual Regression Testing in Vue with Vitest Alexander Opalic

📄 Why We Ditched Next.js and Never Looked Back Stewart and Snelling

📄 Micro Frontends with Angular and Native Federation Manfred Steyer (Angular Blog)

🛠 Code & Tools

Svelvet 11: Build Node-Based UIs with Svelte — A mature Svelte component library for creating interactive node-based UIs and diagrams. v11 adds the ability to toggle between ‘snap grid’ and freeform modes for manipulating elements. (There’s a live demo at the bottom of the homepage.)

Open Source Labs

React Native 0.78 Released — A big release for React Native as it ships React 19 support (which requires some tweaks when upgrading) and some more minor tweaks.

Novak, Cucci, Gupta and Cipolleschi (Meta)

🔒 Protect Against Bots, Fraud, and Abuse in Real Time — WorkOS Radar protects your app with advanced device fingerprinting — stop fake signups, free tier abuse, bot attacks and brute force attempts today.

WorkOS sponsor

Random: Seedable Random Number Generator — You’ve got Math.random but this library takes things a few steps further with easy ways to create random values of various types and using different distributions (e.g. normal distribution, Bernoulli, Poisson, Pareto and Weibull).

Travis Fischer

QuickJS Sandbox 2.0: Execute JS/TS in a QuickJS Powered SandboxQuickJS is a small, embeddable JavaScript engine built by Fabrice Bellard and this extends it to make it easy to run code in an isolated sandboxed environment, along with some basic Node module support and a virtual file system. GitHub repo.

Sebastian Wessel

📰 Classifieds

🎹 STRICH: Add blazing fast and reliable 1D/2D Barcode Scanning to your web apps. Free demo app and 30-day trial available.

Meticulous automatically creates and maintains an E2E UI test suite with zero developer effort. Relied on by 1000s of orgs, including Dropbox, Lattice, Bilt Rewards and many more.

📣 Creators of the State of JS, Vue.js, Vite, Pino & Fastify — have you seen the new JSNation speakers? Get 10% off with code JSWEEKLY.

Bit - A build system framework for development of composable software. Natively to Harmony, and support Node.js, React apps (with Vite), NextJS, Angular, Vue and more.

📢  Elsewhere

A quick roundup of some of other interesting updates or useful resources in the broader developer landscape: